Is vasculitis dangerous?

علاج التهاب الأوعية الدموية في الساق

Is vasculitis dangerous?

Is vasculitis dangerous? . Vasculitis is a rare health problem that develops when the immune system mistakenly attacks blood vessels in specific areas of the body. Dr. Amir Malkawi, a vascular surgery specialist, explains in the following article the seriousness of vasculitis and methods to reduce the risks associated with the disease.

Is vasculitis dangerous?

As long as symptoms are managed through adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and treatments that help reduce the occurrence or flare-ups of the disease, vasculitis is not inherently dangerous. It should be noted that the severity and type of vasculitis, as well as the affected blood vessels, determine the patient’s risk. Neglecting treatment, however, can worsen the condition and lead to potentially serious health complications.

Complications of vasculitis

When vasculitis treatment is neglected, or in severe cases of the disease, various health complications may develop, including:

Visual disturbances and impairment

Vasculitis may cause redness, burning sensations in the eyes, and in severe cases, vision loss or impairment in one eye.

Hearing disorders

Complications range from tinnitus and ear inflammation to complete hearing loss in severe cases.

Vital organ damage

This can occur when inflammation damages blood vessels responsible for supplying vital organs such as the kidneys and heart.

Skin Problems

These include:

  • Appearance of rashes, patches, or skin bumps that are red or purplish.
  • Appearance of small-sized spots.
  • Appearance of bruises.
  • Genital ulcers.
  • The aforementioned skin problems may be accompanied by itching and discomfort.
  • Neurological Disorders
  • These include numbness and tingling in various parts of the body, along with muscle weakness and continuous pain.

Blood Vessel Expansion

One of the serious complications that may accompany vasculitis, increasing the risk of internal bleeding and blood clots.

Other Complications

These include:

  • Swelling and dryness of the tongue and lips.
  • Joint pain.
  • Heart rhythm disorders.
  • Blood pressure disorders.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Stroke.
  • Leg clots.

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How to Avoid Complications of Vasculitis?

Complications of vasculitis and the occurrence of its flares can be avoided by following the treatments and advice recommended by the doctor, which may include:

Medical Treatments

These are the primary treatments for vasculitis and may include:

  • Corticosteroid medications.
  • Immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Other medications based on the affected organs and the patient’s health condition.


Surgery is resorted to for treating vasculitis only in severe cases where blood vessels are significantly affected. The purpose of surgery is to repair the vessels and enhance their functional capabilities.

Tips and Guidance

Dr. Amir Malkawi recommends certain measures to control vasculitis and reduce the risk of serious health complications, including:

  • Firstly, adhering to the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor is crucial, even when symptoms improve.
  • Additionally, following a healthy diet can significantly impact overall well-being and recovery.
  • Moreover, maintaining physical activity and regularly engaging in appropriate exercises are essential for sustaining health.
  • Furthermore, obtaining regular vaccinations contributes to preventing certain diseases and enhances long-term health.
  • Lastly, scheduling regular follow-ups with the doctor ensures ongoing monitoring and effective management of your health.

Can vasculitis be cured?

No, there is currently no developed treatment for complete cure from vasculitis. However, available treatments significantly help in controlling the symptoms of the disease.

Is it possible to completely prevent vasculitis?

The main causes triggering the immune system to attack blood vessels in vasculitis are not yet fully understood. Therefore, measures for complete prevention of vasculitis have not been discovered yet.


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