Varicose Veins After Treatment

Spider Veins

Varicose Veins After Treatment

Varicose veins are a common health issue that leads to troublesome symptoms such as:

  • pain
  • tingling
  • swelling
  • undesirable appearance of the legs.

This often prompts individuals to consider undergoing appropriate treatment to get rid of varicose veins. However, do varicose veins return after treatment? This is what Dr. Amir Malkawi, a specialist in vascular surgery, will address in the following article.

Do Varicose Veins Return After Treatment?

Yes, there is a possibility that varicose veins may return after treatment, affecting around 25-30% of cases within the first year. This percentage may increase to 60% after five years of treatment. However, the choice of treatment type and adherence to post-treatment prevention instructions play a crucial role in reducing the chances of varicose veins reappearing after treatment.

Read more: Aortic Aneurysm

Causes of Varicose Veins Recurrence After Treatment

There are several reasons that may contribute to the recurrence of varicose veins after treatment, including:

Treating only superficial veins

Visible veins on the skin’s surface, causing the undesirable appearance, are often a result of deeper valve disorders in the leg.

Focusing solely on treating superficial veins means that the underlying problem with deep veins continues,

contributing to the recurrence of varicose veins after treatment.

Choosing an inappropriate treatment method

There are various treatment methods available to help eliminate this condition. chosen based on the patient’s health condition and personal preferences. However, some treatment methods have shown quicker susceptibility to varicose vein recurrence. Not receiving adequate treatment can lead to a faster return of varicose veins.

The cost of treatment may sometimes be a barrier to choosing the appropriate treatment in some cases.

Dr. Amir Malkawi advises his patients that opting for the most suitable technology,

even if initially more expensive, will ultimately prevent the need for additional treatment sessions or therapies that may incur additional costs.

Speaking of treatment efficiency, it is essential to remember that choosing a skilled and experienced doctor plays a significant role in determining the most appropriate treatment method. This will help minimize the chances of varicose veins reappearing after treatment, so do not hesitate to visit Dr. Amir Malkawi’s clinic.

Speaking about the effectiveness of treatment, it is important to remember that choosing a skilled, competent, and experienced doctor plays a role in determining the most suitable treatment method. This will help reduce the chances of varicose veins reappearing after treatment. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit Dr. Amir Malkawi’s clinic.

Continued Presence of Varicose Veins Causes

In most cases, the reason for this condition recurring after treatment is that some previously healthy veins during treatment may become weakened veins due to the continued presence of factors causing varicose veins. In such cases, to minimize the recurrence , it is essential to adhere to the doctor’s instructions and try to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Tips for Preventing Recurrence After Treatment

The recovery period after varicose vein treatment ranges from 1-2 weeks depending on several factors such as the type of procedure and severity of the condition. It may disappear within a few days to weeks in some cases. Here are some instructions and tips recommended to reduce the risks of recurring after treatment:

  • Avoid lifting heavy weights or standing for long periods, especially during the first two weeks after treatment.
  • Ensure adequate rest and sufficient hours of sleep to contribute to faster recovery after varicose vein treatment.
  • Walk short distances every day during the early days after treatment.
  • Attempt to elevate the legs as much as possible when lying down or sitting throughout the day.
  • Avoid keeping one leg raised above the knee for extended periods.
  • Consult the doctor regarding guidelines for permitted bathing times after treatment.
  • Commit to using compression stockings after the procedure, and consult the doctor about the need for longer-term use after recovery from the procedure.
  • Ensure sufficient fluid intake.
  • Follow a healthy diet.
  • Apply cold compresses to the legs for 20 minutes multiple times a day after varicose vein treatment. to relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process.
  • Adhere to medications prescribed by the doctor and ensure compliance with the treatment plan for other health issues that may contribute to this condition or their recurrence.
  • Consult the doctor about the need for follow-up to remove surgical threads if used, and in some cases, dissolvable sutures or threads may be used.
  • See the doctor immediately if any symptoms or signs indicating a leg problem appear, such as redness, warmth, or purulent discharge.


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